Comment 1 for bug 1824360

Revision history for this message
Eric Miller (erickmiller) wrote :

While looking for a pattern, I figured out that there are "swift_account" resources in Gnocchi that exist for the missing "ceph_account" resources, and under the "swift_account" resources, there are "radosgw.containers.objects" and "radosgw.containers.objects.size" metrics.

We had switched between using native Swift and "Ceph+RGW+Swift API compatibility" recently, and it looks like Swift resources, that had been stored in Gnocchi, remained.

This is an example project that had an issue (project id = 5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7)

gnocchi resource list --detail | grep 5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7

| 5f6e2a6f-cdbc-427c-81cb-462f45b147d7 | swift_account | 5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7 | None | 5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7 | 2019-03-25T04:21:39.139673+00:00 | None | 2019-03-25T04:21:39.139694+00:00 | None | 39ef552637e74e32abdf25dd7454231f:f0a94de0d6184e10814660d470721c31 |
| 00a842f1-646d-5595-8350-670ec2f41c13 | swift_account | 5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7 | None | 5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7_ABC Backup | 2019-03-25T04:21:42.227916+00:00 | None | 2019-03-25T04:21:42.227935+00:00 | None | 39ef552637e74e32abdf25dd7454231f:f0a94de0d6184e10814660d470721c31 |
| 6858266a-0086-5c9b-8627-48ed48afb3db | swift_account | 5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7 | 84a7b6e6bad442278f4c1630f5b4e0c7 | swift_v1_AUTH_5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7 | 2019-03-31T16:36:35.613956+00:00 | None | 2019-03-31T16:36:35.613975+00:00 | None | 39ef552637e74e32abdf25dd7454231f:f0a94de0d6184e10814660d470721c31 |
| cd7c570d-98c7-5ea8-9c91-54d49961e056 | ceph_account | 5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7 | None | 5f6e2a6fcdbc427c81cb462f45b147d7_ABC Backup_segments | 2019-04-01T10:17:18.168959+00:00 | None | 2019-04-01T10:17:18.168980+00:00 | None | 39ef552637e74e32abdf25dd7454231f:f0a94de0d6184e10814660d470721c31 |

So, this likely isn't a bug, but rather a misunderstanding of how resources were handled when switching from Swift to Ceph.
