Comment 2 for bug 1745806

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Frank (f-sardis) wrote :

I have experienced this also. I followed the Pike guide for ceilometer and I get
Unable to establish connection to http://controller:8041/v1/resource_type/ceph
when i try to run ceilometer-upgrade --skip-metering-database
I do not use ceph in my openstack and i do not see anything in the ceilometer.conf that mentions ceph so it is not clear where this comes from.

I have tried gnocchi via apt and via pip. Same problem always. Gnocchi api doesn't seem to be installed via pip and via apt it does not register as a service at all so I cannot (re)start it.

Also the guide specifies using coordination_url = redis://controller:6379 but this produces a similar error during gnocchi-upgrade in that the redis service cannot be reached and the guide does not mention anything about installing it (nor does the gnocchi install guide). If i comment out the line, gnocchi-upgrade proceeds without a problem and uses the file driver.

There is no clarity in the guide on what is needed and for what reason which makes it difficult to troubleshoot.