Comment 10 for bug 1214257

Revision history for this message
gordon chung (chungg) wrote :

to get the service name we'd probably need to take HTTP_HOST value and find the corresponding entry in HTTP_X_SERVICE_CATALOG. (this is what we do in to generate CADF as well)

the full url path isn't part of CADF payload either -- it can be added (as its extensible) but it's not part of formal spec. i could get Matt to propose to add it to formal spec if you find value there (we've been adding/proposing a bunch of Openstack attr since we've started)

here is what the payload contains right now (the CADF_EVENT attr is there if and only if you use the middleware.audit, middleware.notifier does captures everything else):


 "_id" : ObjectId("5213edc8eb2d733c8ed7d7cd"),
 "counter_name" : "http.response",
 "user_id" : "36448cb2ec454631a6a8cb664a29332f",
 "message_signature" : "ef69c38520c06891bf7a577d663ed41a74a74f6fcc1c3c998c5b558c2631f1c3",
 "timestamp" : ISODate("2013-08-20T22:29:28.482Z"),
 "resource_id" : null,
 "resource_metadata" : {
  "host" : "nova-api.plwdevstack",
  "request" : {
   "HTTP_X_TENANT_NAME" : "service",
   "SCRIPT_NAME" : "/v2",
   "PATH_INFO" : "/2fb92e2139654e87bc03c42543eababf/os-floating-ips",
   "HTTP_X_USER_ID" : "36448cb2ec454631a6a8cb664a29332f",
   "HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN" : "tokenid",
   "HTTP_USER_AGENT" : "python-novaclient",
   "HTTP_X_DOMAIN_NAME" : null,
   "REMOTE_PORT" : "48729",
   "HTTP_X_ROLE" : "_member_,admin,ResellerAdmin",
   "HTTP_X_IDENTITY_STATUS" : "Confirmed",
   "HTTP_X_DOMAIN_ID" : null,
   "SERVER_PORT" : "8774",
   "CADF_EVENT" : {
    "typeURI" : "",
    "eventTime" : "2013-08-20T22:28:18.122305+0000",
    "target" : {
     "typeURI" : "service/compute",
     "addresses" : [
       "url" : "",
       "name" : "admin"
       "url" : "",
       "name" : "private"
       "url" : "",
       "name" : "public"
     "id" : "2f134369e44b4bb0b681551228474203",
     "name" : "nova"
    "observer" : "target",
    "tags" : [
    "eventType" : "activity",
    "initiator" : {
     "typeURI" : "service/security/account/user",
     "name" : "ceilometer",
     "credential" : {
      "token" : "tokenid",
      "identity_status" : "Confirmed"
     "host" : {
      "agent" : "python-novaclient",
      "address" : ""
     "project_id" : "2fb92e2139654e87bc03c42543eababf",
     "id" : "36448cb2ec454631a6a8cb664a29332f"
    "reason" : {
     "reasonCode" : "200",
     "reasonType" : "HTTP"
    "reporterchain" : [
      "reporterTime" : "2013-08-20T22:29:28.480996+0000",
      "role" : "modifier",
      "reporter" : "target"
    "action" : "list",
    "outcome" : "success",
    "id" : "c5e63215-9afd-5911-8644-0210448efa5c"
   "HTTP_X_SERVICE_CATALOG" : "[{\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"2f134369e44b4bb0b681551228474203\"}], \"type\": \"compute\", \"name\": \"nova\"}, {\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"5b496aff750940d5b7c3f2f6129a7e5c\"}], \"type\": \"volumev2\", \"name\": \"cinder\"}, {\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"5d0dc523c3324843b488296834bb3267\"}], \"type\": \"computev3\", \"name\": \"nova\"}, {\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"2bba8016bcf8478f868896952af9d633\"}], \"type\": \"s3\", \"name\": \"s3\"}, {\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"09ff713feaa243a68867abcde784bae3\"}], \"type\": \"image\", \"name\": \"glance\"}, {\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"04d166257ec04fbdaa70ce10cfcbb8c1\"}], \"type\": \"metering\", \"name\": \"ceilometer\"}, {\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"831ff894a8db43db84ee4d1ed3e8cbb5\"}], \"type\": \"volume\", \"name\": \"cinder\"}, {\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"17977e7e2d504918913bd916196e78ce\"}], \"type\": \"ec2\", \"name\": \"ec2\"}, {\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"7457330d4cfa4f6587b93b05ec7f6d6b\"}], \"type\": \"object-store\", \"name\": \"swift\"}, {\"endpoints_links\": [], \"endpoints\": [{\"adminURL\": \"\", \"region\": \"RegionOne\", \"publicURL\": \"\", \"internalURL\": \"\", \"id\": \"10bc3cf35d8f469db40420ccb3d3aa14\"}], \"type\": \"identity\", \"name\": \"keystone\"}]",
   "HTTP_X_TENANT_ID" : "2fb92e2139654e87bc03c42543eababf",
   "HTTP_X_USER" : "ceilometer",
   "HTTP_X_USER_DOMAIN_ID" : null,
   "REMOTE_ADDR" : "",
   "HTTP_HOST" : "",
   "HTTP_X_AUTH_PROJECT_ID" : "service",
   "HTTP_X_TENANT" : "service",
   "HTTP_ACCEPT" : "application/json",
   "RAW_PATH_INFO" : "/v2/2fb92e2139654e87bc03c42543eababf/os-floating-ips",
   "SERVER_NAME" : "",
   "CADF_EVENT_CORRELATION_ID" : "f36fff90-6b5e-54c2-9438-73dc60c57657",
   "HTTP_X_PROJECT_NAME" : "service",
   "HTTP_X_PROJECT_ID" : "2fb92e2139654e87bc03c42543eababf",
   "HTTP_X_USER_NAME" : "ceilometer",
   "CONTENT_TYPE" : "text/plain",
   "HTTP_X_ROLES" : "_member_,admin,ResellerAdmin",
   "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" : "gzip, deflate, compress"
  "response" : {
   "status" : "200 OK",
   "headers" : {
    "Content-Length" : "20",
    "Content-Type" : "application/json",
    "x-compute-request-id" : "req-33891ab0-60ce-408d-a721-9cd946ba40cd"
  "event_type" : "http.response"
 "source" : "openstack",
 "counter_unit" : "response",
 "counter_volume" : 1,
 "project_id" : "2fb92e2139654e87bc03c42543eababf",
 "message_id" : "f9d7ae72-09e7-11e3-a181-080027317d13",
 "counter_type" : "delta"