Comment 10 for bug 688156

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Thiago Teixeira (tvst) wrote :

Mark: I'm not sure to which comment you are replying...

But here is an update on this general topic:

At the moment, Cardapio works with the classic Gnome-2 Panel, as well as with Docky, AWN, Cairo dock (unofficially), Slingshot (official from the Elementary side, not from us) and, of course, without a panel.

Also, over the past few months, we have separated most of the GTK-related code from the main application logic of Cardapio, which means we can start thinking of developing a Clutter-based interface. So things are in pretty good shape right now to keep Cardapio relevant post Unity/Shell.

That said, some things I would like to see for Cardapio in the future are:

1) Support for the XFCE panel
2) Less reliance on Gnome-related dependencies
3) *Complete* separation of GTK-related code from application logic
4) A modern Clutter-based UI

I already tried starting items (1) and (4), but there were some blocking issues on my machine due to libraries/versions that are not available in Ubuntu 10.10. Since I cannot devote as much time to this as I would like, I have no plans to hunt down the correct software packages, compile them, and risk breaking my main work machine. So, realistically, I can only start thinking of pursuing those tasks after I upgrade to Natty (11.04).

About tasks (2) and (3), we should get on them ASAP. On my side, I will try to finalize (3), since it's already almost there :)