Comment 38 for bug 660620

Revision history for this message
Thiago Teixeira (tvst) wrote :

> After you incorporate my latest code(...)

Yes, I'll take a look at your code now. I've been a bit busy with pesky real-life stuff :)

> Also, I don't know why did you link a FAQ about "show-near-mouse" here

I just posted it above for completeness, since it works with the current PPA version and older Cardapio versions too. It's definitely not the best solution, but at least it's something.

>Since mini mode is no more Docky related, we don't need to complete it before releasing our new Docky support.

Agreed. I'm trying to track some new memory leaks that sprouted out of nowhere, though, and until we get those leaks fixed it is not prudent to update the PPA. So if you have some free time in your hands, let's talk on instant messenger soon and try to track them leaks down!