Comment 21 for bug 660620

Revision history for this message
Paweł Bara (keirangtp) wrote :

That were precisely the answers I was looking for and having my questions answered, I've pushed my branch even further!

We have now those four search entries discussed inside the blueprint. What's more, the entries are hidden behind a common facade which let's you to keep using methods like self.search_entry.set_text() or self.search_entry.set_position(). You don't have to worry about which entry is active.

I've also started working on the mini layout. You can start it by using "cardapio something mini-mode" command (for example "cardapio docky-mode mini-mode"). Cardapio started in mini mode works this way until you quit it. I'm having some minor problems with shrinking the window but I'll probably find the answer before Tuesday. ;) Everything I've described means that about 80% of blueprint are implemented now.

I'm attaching two screenshots.

PS. Notice the border. Unfortunately, the border is more of a mockup than a real working thing because it breaks resizing.