Comment 0 for bug 1481330

Revision history for this message
Christopher Townsend (townsend) wrote : Reading/setting xprop on Xmir causes it to crash

When having an Xmir window up and running and then trying to read or set an xprop, the Xmir window immediately exits. This is what is printed in application's upstart log:

Fatal server error:
(EE) Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to process connect response: /build/mir-3eDTxk/mir-0.14.0+15.10.20150723.1/src/client/probing_client_platform_factory.cpp(37): Throw in function virtual std::shared_ptr<mir::client::ClientPlatform> mir::client::ProbingClientPlatformFactory::create_client_platform(mir::client::ClientContext*)
Dynamic exception type: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorISt13runtime_errorEEEE
std::exception::what: No appropriate client platform module found
