Comment 2 for bug 637968

Revision history for this message
Henning Eggers (henninge) wrote :

I am not sure if this is the same bug that this user is hitting:

<qtheuret> I had two email addresses on my account settings and I had remove one yesterday
<qtheuret> today, when I try to connect to Launchpad, I have this error message : Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad Login Service.
<qtheuret> We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.
<qtheuret> (Error ID: 1965canistellaunchpad7)
<henninge> qtheuret: what is the account name?
<qtheuret> quentin-theuret
<henninge> qtheuret: I assume that the adderess you removed was the one you originally used for registration?
<qtheuret> yes
<qtheuret> but I have add a second address because I not use the first address
<henninge> qtheuret: did you re-enter your credentials when you logged in today?
<qtheuret> yes, I re-entered my credentials and it's at this moment that the error message is displayed
<henninge> qtheuret: can you access this?
<qtheuret> It's on that the message appears
<henninge> did you use the old or the new address for login in?
<qtheuret> both and no success
<qtheuret> on other PC with a valid cookie on Launchpad, I'm connected without re-enter credentials