Comment 3 for bug 1015514

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Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

"If the user has more than one email address" will never be the case, again, because you have only just created an account (using a form that has only one e-mail address field).

I don't think it would be useful to have a "change password" link on this page either. You just chose your password seconds ago, so it's incredibly unlikely that you want to change it already.

If I understand you correctly, you're starting from a form that is used on some other page (the login/create page?) and thinking how it needs to vary for its appearance on the success page. But I don't think the success page needs to contain *any* kind of form. On the contrary, if you created the account via some other site that uses SSO, I think after a couple of seconds you should be redirected back to that site.