Comment 11 for bug 1607823

Revision history for this message
Alfonso Sanchez-Beato (alfonsosanchezbeato) wrote :

@Pat, thanks for the logs. I can see there are time periods where you lose registration for a while. Also, I see that initially two networks are found:

310/410 -> AT&T, GSM and UMTS bands compatible with MX4
310/120 -> Sprint, LTE bands non compatible with MX4

but after a while I see notifications showing only the Sprint network. Besides, Sprint should not appear here unless you can register there. Do you know if there is some agreement between Sprint and AT&T to share network in your area, maybe depending on the band?

Also, could you try going to SystemSettings->Cellular->Carrier&APN->Carrier and check which operators do you see there? Try to select AT&T as your only operator and see if that improves the situation.