Comment 2 for bug 1522281

Revision history for this message
Vesa Rautiainen (vesar) wrote :

One very important thing that is not considered in this bug description is that the Shell orientation and the app orientations need to be in sync. Always. This is due to the bottom edge swipe that is a gesture that belongs to the application. So what is bottom for the app, needs to be bottom for the Shell as well. Otherwise different gestures would collide.

Orientation UX specification states basic rules for application and shell orientations:
1. Application orientation follows the device orientation as long as that orientation is supported by the application
2. Shell orientation follows always current application’s orientation

Consider this use case:
- Open Browser and turn the device to landscape. Device in landscape -> Browser in Landscape -> Shell in Landscape.
- Open System settings app in landscape and turn the device to portrait. Device in portrait -> System settings in portrait -> Shell in portrait. (Browser still in landscape)
- Lay device flat on the table.
- Use right edge switcher to focus to Browser.

Now the shell is in portrait and the focused Browser application in landscape. Something needs to be done as the app and the Shell are in different orientations. Either the app needs to rotate (which might be unwanted behaviour for some users) or the shell needs to rotate and change for example the edge through which to access the switcher. I'm sure some users find this also unwanted behaviour.

There is already a bug open about this issue:
Whether the current behaviour is correct or needs fixing will be discussed in that report and this is marked as a duplicate.