Comment 29 for bug 1500242

Revision history for this message
Konrad ZapaƂowicz (kzapalowicz) wrote :

I have analyzed the syslog and must say that this is a strange one to figure out.

There is a strange line in the syslog saying that the error is "Device or respurce busy" and it happens for many actions such as SDP Query for example. It is reported for bonding attempts which fail with code either 3 [first] or 2 [2nd and following] which is respectively a Remote Disconnection and Local Disconnection.

This is some kind of race as the "Device or resource busy" first happens after the bonding attempt is disconnected from the remote side.

What happens in the syslog:

1. Devices Jabra, Mouse, Seat created from storage. Devices set_bonded()
2. Probing profiles for all of the created devices.
    ) Seat: PAN, Media Control, A2DP source & sink
    ) Mouse: Input
    ) Jabra: nothing returned ??
3. Devices added to whitelist
4. Probing profiles
5. Disconnected device Jabra [bonding failed] reason 3 [remote disconnected]
6. Attempt to probe hfp_ag for Jabra, failed. SDP returns Device or resource busy.
7. Deiscovered Audi, bonding/connection fails as above.