Comment 4 for bug 1495904

Revision history for this message
Roascio Paolo (roa) wrote :

The issue that there is notifications if an application is in foreground and the phone is locked is another story ( and the solution is planned in ota-8...

I tried too to find some common nominator.

In my tests the only mails notified are those related to this bug (and not generated by me), so, yours and the two from Pat.
Other mails are never notified, no matter if are marked as important, with or without attachments, any sender. Date and time also doesn't seem to affect the missing notification. simply account-polld ignores all mails in my account.

Since i bought the phone on june, i received a total of 9 notifications, three as mentioned above, two in my tests (delete and recreate the gmail account in the phone) and four random and unrelated...