Comment 14 for bug 1495871

Revision history for this message
kevin gunn (kgunn72) wrote :

using ted's branch
which is conveniently available in silo 60
i tested using the script above to open/close apps...which kept the number of open fd's to a steady state

however, i then modified the script to not open/close apps and just poop out the unity8 process # of open fds
I then manually opened as many apps as possible/available on the basic image
I then watched the ubuntu-app-watch output & ubuntu-app-list to make sure apps were getting closed due to memory pressure, i then would use the spread and pull up the very "last" or front app in spread (e.g. all the way to the right in the spread) app to make sure i was cycling between all the apps available in the spread
when i started with no apps open it was posted 135 fds open, at some point after opening all the apps fresh(no toggling yet) it was at ~200+, upon toggling the number of fds grew to 480, i stopped toggle, allowed steady state/screen remained at 480. Then i swiped away every available app in the spread, which reduced the number of open fds down to 255. So that's 120 fds orphaned. Not sure if these are associated with screen shots in the spread or ual somehow.