Comment 12 for bug 1478319

Revision history for this message
Alfonso Sanchez-Beato (alfonsosanchezbeato) wrote :

@faenil, by the WiFi standards, APs with the same SSID and same authentication method *are the same network*.

Is is unfortunate that some devices models use the same SSID instead of customizing the name per device. Interestingly, NM uses a hard-coded list to identify these networks and avoid automatic roaming between APs with same SSID, see

(it would be worth to propose a patch with new entries to this list for the cases you mention, adding "iPhone" to the list is probably a good idea).

Having "Ubuntu" as default name in all phone devices is actually a bug and I will fill one for indicator-network.

IMHO this sort of bugs shows some gaps in the WiFi standards that make it difficult to solve them without side effects.