Comment 0 for bug 1470852

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Currently there is no way to tell when the phone is using data. This is important when deciding whether to put it into Flight Mode, when leaving Wi-Fi coverage, or when adjusting settings. It also makes apps seem less responsive when they were developed by someone who has a much faster Internet connection than you do.

These issues can be resolved by implementing the network activity indicator. <>

<>: "Therefore on the phone and tablet only, the “Network activity” indicator, a spinner, should be present whenever any process has used the network in the past five seconds. Its menu should list all applications that have used the network in the past five seconds, most recent first but updating only once every five seconds."

(This bug report is under indicator-network initially because it covers a similar area. I have no opinion on whether the code should be part of the same package.)