Comment 0 for bug 1460111

Revision history for this message
John McAleely (john.mcaleely) wrote :

ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en #18, krillin

Flash a handset 'fresh', I used:

ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en --recovery-image recovery.img --bootstrap

Allow the flash to complete, and walk through the welcome wizard (I left everything at default, selecting 5555 as a pin).

Allow unity to boot to the greeter, and swipe to dismiss it. Complete the edge tutorial

Launch the phone dialler from the launcher.

Get a dialog: "Switch to Default SIM:". Observe that the line below is blank, where previous builds had a 'SIM 1, SIM 2' widget.

It is impossible to select a default SIM. The offered choices are 'no' or 'later'. Select 'later', and attempt to dial a number.

When you press the green 'dial' button', get this dialog:

"No SIM card selected"

The header of the app appears to lack the previous SIM 1 | SIM2 widget.

There appears to be no way to select a SIM, and therefore no way to place a call