Comment 8 for bug 1437357

Revision history for this message
Robert Carr (robertcarr) wrote :

I've confirmed some stuff.

1. The touch stream is invalid to Mir clients...though it seems QtMir is corrupting it further causing the crash (because as I mentioned, prefer-event-builders will not crash and it uses mev::make_event in the client receiver).

2. The touch stream seems to be invalid out of the kernel

You can see two slots with ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID=-1 without delineation by EV_SYN means two touches are coming up per frame which is a violation of the MT Slot protocol B. It seems likely the kernel driver will require a fix...reminds me of an issue we fixed on Barajas....gonna do some research.

[1431646178.314365] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (0.037888 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_SLOT value=0
[1431646178.315485] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (0.866195 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID value=-1
[1431646178.315693] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (1.375965 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_SLOT value=1
[1431646178.316354] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (2.033118 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_POSITION_X value=322
[1431646178.316657] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (2.340272 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_POSITION_Y value=905
[1431646178.317064] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (2.745965 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR value=4
[1431646178.317152] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (2.837734 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_SLOT value=2
[1431646178.317992] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (3.672041 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR value=4
[1431646178.318252] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (3.934657 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_SLOT value=4
[1431646178.318603] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (4.285195 ms ago) type=EV_ABS code=ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID value=-1
[1431646178.318907] input: Received event time=1431646178314298000 (4.586272 ms ago) type=EV_SYN code=0 value=0