Comment 0 for bug 1426467

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Tony Espy (awe) wrote : Indicator fails to start

current build number: 122
device name: krillin
channel: ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed

It's possible for the device to boot in such a manner that the network-indicator doesn't display an icon on the top panel ( see attached screenshot ).

I was testing a change to ofono ( currently in silo ubuntu-013 ) which fixes a MTK-specific bug where the device boots and the 2nd SIM slot isn't recognized. So to test, I continually rebooted the device. I have two SIMs installed, the first unlocked, the second is locked.

In the case of the missing icon, no PIN unlock screen was displayed after booting.

I checked using 'ps' and an indicator-network process is running, however when I checked /home/phablet/.cache/upstart, there only indicator-network log files I see are the saved .gz files. There's no unzipped/current indicator-network.log. The .gz log file with the most recent timestamp shows a single log message:

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/.cache/upstart$ less indicator-network.log.1.gz
void core::dbus::Property<T>::handle_changed(const core::dbus::types::Variant&) [with PropertyType = org::freedesktop::URfkill::Interface::Killswitch::Property::State]: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist

I checked and urfkilld is running on the system.

I also verified that there were no crash files present on the system.