Comment 6 for bug 1385339

Revision history for this message
John McAleely (john.mcaleely) wrote :

I disagree. consider these two bug reports:

OS Ubuntu 14.10 (r8) "my phone does not ota"
OS Ubuntu 14.10 (r8) "my phone does not ota"

one is from the spanish channel, and the resolution is 'your channel contains no further images'. The other is from the english channel, and the bug is that images 9-14 have not been seen by the phone for some reason.

Or, consider if you prefer the data in the more details screen:

Build number 169
Ubuntu image part 20141121.1
Device image part 20141119-db417fa (suffix is the git hash which to me is a bit obtuse)
Customization image part 1416428357 (no idea what this represents)

Now, you can survey system-image.u.c to establish for which channels build 169 contains those bits, but unless you know which channel the handset is on, you cannot predict which update the handset will receive next.