Comment 12 for bug 1299073

Revision history for this message
Bill Filler (bfiller) wrote :

The branch is not working for me (see comment there).

A good experiment is to run cheese and open the Preferences and look at video resolution. See if you can record a video in cheese at 640x480 or below. On Arthur's system his camera only seems to be able to support recording at 1280x720.

I think we need to force recording at a reasonable resoultion 640x480 or below and be able to lower the fps if needed. Not sure if all webcams support video recording at specified resolutions but ideally this should be dynamic in the code to query the camera and determine an appropriate resolution to record at and an approiate videoBitRate. These properties should then be set explicitly in the code. Currently we use the default settings for resolution and videoBitRate and I think this might be why some systems have problems and others don't.

We determined the error message ""Could not negotiate format" seems to occur when asking to record at a resolution that is not supported by the camera.