Comment 2 for bug 1912954

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Nick Chomey (nick-chomey) wrote :

Thanks for the quick reply, as always.

I must not have been clear - I wasn't looking to move this action from the Book Details as it is perfectly fine there.

I was just hoping that it wouldn't be a big deal to simply add a keyboard shortcut to access the existing two Actions that are available through right clicking in the Book Details Pane, which I (and surely many others) keep minimized most of the time.

And similarly to have the same Actions available in the library context menu. There is already Edit Metadata -> Copy Metadata (this is copying a subsection of the metadata), or Send to Device (we'd be "sending" the link to another application). And there are various other Actions which are possible to access through both the Book Details and Context Menus - such as the View actions or performing searches with Tags and other metadata.

Unfortunately I don't know how to create a plugin to do any of this, so I hope you are willing to reconsider!
