Comment 5 for bug 1898394

Revision history for this message
Neil Laslett (nlaslett) wrote :

I was able to manually place all the autogenerated IDs from toc.ncx onto the first element within the <body> tag (not <body> itself). That caused the TOC editor to show all green checks. When I saved and re-opened, the TOC entries were still valid and working - they didn't change as before.

I don't know if this is something weird with my book, my system, or a deep bug in Calibre. TOC entries at "top of page" were definitely not working, nor were IDs directly on the <body> tag. Every time, TOC entries would get fresh (invalid) IDs in the form of xxxxx-{GUID}.

My problem is fixed, but if it is a Calibre bug, happy hunting!

Thank you for your help and all you do on this project.