Comment 12 for bug 1714107

Revision history for this message
Eli Schwartz (eschwartz) wrote :

On a completely different note, actions speak louder than words, which is why I've been spending not inconsiderable time incrementally porting calibre to polyglot code, in the hope of finally making that exact switch. Thank you for wasting both my time and Kovid's time by complaining about things which everyone knows about, and which as you correctly pointed out, requires a massive effort to port the entire (500K sloc) application over to a *new* programming language.

Have you, in fact, read the comment immediately above yours, where I point to the place where several people, me included, are working on this longterm effort? Or is it more important to use scare tactics that aren't even true, in order to pressure an upstream developer who doesn't care about having his software in your distro, to do something he has already repeatedly said he doesn't care about doing (but will accept patches for)?

I know what I'm doing about python2...