Comment 11 for bug 1408406

Revision history for this message
Chris (lavaflake) wrote :

I have just joined this site after finding this thread using a google search. I am having having this exact issue with trying to move an ePub from iBooks to Calibre. I got excited when I saw this thread and that there was a script to fix it. Being total out of my depth I followed the guide that claas (pcinfoc)posted. However following those instructions I get the message in terminal:
Error: You must supply the first argument as a directory!
Usage: {1 2}
Usage: {Exportfolder debug-log}
Usage: example {/Users/*****/Documents/Exportfolder /Users/***/Destktop/}

This script will read the iTunes books from /Users/****/Library/Containers/

Following the example I tried the command {/home/***/Desktop/convertediBooks /home/***/Desktop/runEpub.log}
but that results in
-bash: command not found

So I tried
/Users/***/Desktop/ {/home/***/Desktop/convertediBooks /home/***/Desktop/runEpub.log}

and got

-bash: /Users/***/Desktop/ Permission denied

So I tired
sudo /Users/***/Desktop/ {/home/***/Desktop/convertediBooks /home/***/Desktop/runEpub.log}

And got

sudo: /Users/***/Desktop/ command not found

The last post in this was a very long time ago. I am not sure if the issue is that I am doing something wrong or if because of software update the script no longer works. I not sure if anyone will see this but I would greatly appreciate some assistance. I am completely out of my depth here.