Comment 3 for bug 705234

Revision history for this message
towheedm (towheedm) wrote :

The WM I'm using is Compiz. I did the following according to your request:

1. Set x=191 and y=1. This was done by changing the values directly in the netspeed.conf file. Restarted the dock and the desklet remained at the set position. Did it 3 times and the position did not change.

2. Logged out of the session and then back in. The position changed to x=121 and y=1. Restarted the dock several times and the position remained at x=121 and y=1.

3. Set the WM to Metacity. Set the position to x=191 and y=1. Restarted the dock several times and the desklet remained at the set position.

4. Logged out of the session and back in. The desklet position remained at x=191 and y=1. Did this twice and the position remained at 191,1.

5. Switched the WM back to Compiz. Restarted the dock and the desklet position remained at 191,1.

6. Logged out and back in. The position changed to x=166 and y=1.

7. Left the position set to 166,1 and logged out and back in. The position changed to x=24 and y=1.

8. Left the position set to 24,1 and logged out and back in. The position changed to x=0 and y=1.

9. Left the position set to 0,1 and logged out and back in. The position changed to x=166 and y=1.

10. Left the position set to 166,1 and logged out and back in. The position changed to x=0 and y=1.

11. Left the position set to 0,1 and logged out and back in. The position changed to x=166 and y=1.

I also have the Network-Monitor, Disks and System Monitor set as desklets. Their respective positions remain the same always.

Note also that I use CD 2.2.0 in Karmic and netspeed remains at the set position of x=0 and y=-96 (lower left edge of the screen).