Comment 2 for bug 1241338

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Jeffrey Newbro (in-da-chipz) wrote :


Thank you for your interest in this problem and although I am having difficulty reproducing the problem, I wanted to tell you as much as I could about it in case the information is of any use to you. The computer on which I had the problem is quite similar to the one in the bug-report you linked below (It's a Dell D-630 laptop), and I just did the version upgrade from Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 when the problem appeared. I think that the version upgrade also upgraded Cairo-dock, but I'm not absolutely sure of that.

As I said earlier, whenever I put anything in the trash bin, I would get very high CPU usage until I exited Cairo-dock. Then, when I removed the bin from Cairo-dock, the problem stopped. Today, at your suggestion, I put the bin back in Cairo-dock, but I am unable to reproduce the problem. There are 9 gvfsd-trash processes when I log in, and the number increases with each deposit into the trash bin, but does not diminish when I empty the bin. I killed all the gvfsd-trash processes and they did not re-spawn. Without those processes running, I put a file in the trash and was unable either to empty or restore the file (the buttons on the trash bin window were grayed out as if it was already empty).

That's about all I know at the moment, but I will continue to try to reproduce the problem and send you the results of the test you suggested. If there is anything else you would like me to do when the problem arises again, please let me know. In the meanwhile, I wish you the best of luck in solving this and thank you for your time and attention.

Have a great day.