Comment 1 for bug 809861

Revision history for this message
Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) wrote :

Hello Dimrim and thank you for this bug report.

Is it possible to compile the dock in order to have a backtrace of the error? Simply have a look to this wiki page (it's easy, there is a script):

If you only have this bug at start up, can you do that:
 * create this file in your home directory: gdbinit
 * can you write this 3 lines in this file:
 * then open this window: System / Preferences / Applications at start up
 * edit the cairo-dock launcher and replace the command by this one: sh -c "gdb -x $USER/gdbinit cairo-dock > $USER/gdb_cairo-dock"
If you have a crash at start up, cairo-dock will not run and this file in your home directory will be interesting: gdb_cairo-dock

After having reproduce the crash, you can uninstall this version of cairo-dock and reinstall it just as before. Also, don't forget to use the previous command to launch Cairo-Dock at start up (cairo-dock -o (or -c)).