Comment 6 for bug 1360681

Revision history for this message
Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) wrote :

Hello Aaack,

About the second crash, it should be fixed on BZR!

(@fabounet: I think we have to add a special case for 'cairo-dock -m' => )

About the first crash, it seems it's not so simple...
@Aaack: Which version of the dock did you use just before this one? Did you used the development version? (e.g. from our Weekly PPA)
Can you also give us all output messages produced by this command?

    $ grep -rn "\[Rainbow\]" ~/.config/cairo-dock/current_theme/plug-ins/rendering/rendering.conf -A 22

@fabounet: any idea? :-)
Why iNbRows == -1 in this case? Is is possible that some values in pDock or in myIconsParam structures are not yet defined when calling _cairo_dock_hide for the first time?

    int iNbRows = round ((pDock->iMaxDockHeight - iMinRadius) / ((pDock->iMaxIconHeight + my_iSpaceBetweenRows) * fMaxScale));

(here iMinRadius = 115)

And iMaxDockHeight is defined before:

 double fMaxScale = 1. + my_fRainbowMagnitude * myIconsParam.fAmplitude;
 int iMaxIconWidth = pDock->iMaxIconHeight + my_iSpaceBetweenIcons;
 double fCone = G_PI - 2 * my_fRainbowConeOffset;
 int iNbIcons = g_list_length (pDock->icons);
 int iMinRadius = MIN (my_iRainbowNbIconsMin, iNbIcons) * iMaxIconWidth * fMaxScale / fCone;

 int iNbRows = (int) ceil (sqrt (2 * iNbIcons / fCone / fMaxScale) + .5); /// approximation, use complete formula

 pDock->iMaxDockHeight = iNbRows * (pDock->iMaxIconHeight + my_iSpaceBetweenRows) * fMaxScale + iMinRadius;