Comment 4 for bug 803594

Revision history for this message
Vincent Ladeuil (vila) wrote :

Can be reproduced with:

  bzr test-script ./803594.bug

with 803594.bug containing:

$ bzr init-repo .
Shared repository with trees (format: 2a)
  shared repository: .
$ bzr init trunk
Created a repository tree (format: 2a)
Using shared repository: ...
$ cd trunk
$ mkdir module1
$ echo "stuff" > module1/file1.txt
$ bzr add
adding module1
adding module1/file1.txt
$ bzr commit -m "Added module1"
2>Committing to: ...trunk/
2>added module1
2>added module1/file1.txt
2>Committed revision 1.
$ cd ..
$ bzr branch trunk ver1
2>Branched 1 revision(s).
$ cd trunk
$ mkdir module2
$ echo "stuff" > module2/file2.txt
$ bzr add
adding module2
adding module2/file2.txt
$ bzr commit -m "Added module2"
2>Committing to: ...trunk/
2>added module2
2>added module2/file2.txt
2>Committed revision 2.
$ cd ..
$ bzr co --lightweight trunk work
$ cd work
$ mkdir module2/temp
$ echo "stuff" > module2/temp/somefile
$ bzr ignore module2/temp
$ bzr commit -m "added ignore"
2>Committing to: .../trunk/
2>added .bzrignore
2>Committed revision 3.
$ bzr switch ver1
2>Conflict: can't delete module2 because it is not empty. Not deleting.
2>Updated to revision 1.
2>Switched to branch: .../ver1/
$ bzr switch trunk
2>Conflict adding file module2. Moved existing file to module2.moved.
2>Updated to revision 3.
2>Switched to branch: .../trunk/
$ bzr revert
$ rm -rf module2.moved
$ bzr switch ver1
2>Updated to revision 1.
2>Switched to branch: .../ver1/
$ bzr switch trunk
2>Updated to revision 3.
2>Switched to branch: .../trunk/

which makes it easier to reproduce on any platform