Comment 0 for bug 602614

Revision history for this message
Greg (gregspecialsource) wrote : Out of memory error on tiny commit

Running command
bzr commit -m "my comment"
On 2 or 3 modified small text files produces the output:

committing to: .....
modified .....
modified .....
aborting commit write group: Memory Error()
bzr: out of memory

bzrlib v2.1.1
QBzr v0.1.8.4
Python v2.5.4
Windows 7 Pro 64bit, 6gb RAM.

Repository is ~30mb, ~5000 files version controlled.
Commit is unbound and local to hard drive folder.

Here is the entire .bzr.log file generated from the command
bzr commit -m 'my comment'

The critical bit is...

0.597 Adding the key (<bzrlib.btree_index.BTreeGraphIndex object at 0x02F04BF0>, 42, 7045986) to an LRUSizeCache failed. value 611025734 is too big to fit in a the cache with size 41943040 52428800
2.220 aborting commit write group because of exception:

-----begin file-----
this is a debug log for diagnosing/reporting problems in bzr
you can delete or truncate this file, or include sections in
bug reports to

Wed 2010-07-07 13:13:11 +1000
0.048 bazaar version: 2.1.1
0.050 bzr arguments: [u'commit', u'-m', u'my comment']
0.059 looking for plugins in C:/Users/userA/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins
0.060 looking for plugins in C:/Program Files (x86)/Bazaar/plugins
0.150 encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp850'
0.176 opening working tree 'C:/Dev/Proj1/userAAPlay'
0.261 preparing to commit
[ 2044] 2010-07-07 13:13:12.283 INFO: Committing to: V:/Proj1/userAA1/
0.368 Selecting files for commit with filter None
[ 2044] 2010-07-07 13:13:12.358 INFO: modified src/Tests/TestBB1.cpp
[ 2044] 2010-07-07 13:13:12.361 INFO: modified src/Tests/bbEngine.cpp
[ 2044] 2010-07-07 13:13:12.361 INFO: modified src/Tests/bbEngine.h
0.492 Auto-packing repository GCRepositoryPackCollection(CHKInventoryRepository('file:///C:/Dev/Proj1/.bzr/repository/')), which has 11 pack files, containing 20 revisions. Packing 10 files into 1 affecting 10 revisions
0.495 repacking 10 revisions
0.502 repacking 10 inventories
0.507 repacking chk: 10 id_to_entry roots, 5 p_id_map roots, 77 total keys
0.562 repacking 60 texts
0.597 Adding the key (<bzrlib.btree_index.BTreeGraphIndex object at 0x02F04BF0>, 42, 7045986) to an LRUSizeCache failed. value 611025734 is too big to fit in a the cache with size 41943040 52428800
2.220 aborting commit write group because of exception:
2.222 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bzrlib\commit.pyo", line 402, in _commit
  File "bzrlib\repository.pyo", line 179, in commit
  File "bzrlib\repository.pyo", line 1563, in commit_write_group
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 2314, in _commit_write_group
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 2174, in _commit_write_group
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 1476, in autopack
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 1516, in _do_autopack
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", line 693, in _execute_pack_operations
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 761, in pack
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", line 478, in _create_pack_from_packs
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", line 461, in _copy_text_texts
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", line 402, in _copy_stream
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 1704, in _insert_record_stream
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 438, in get_bytes_as
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 538, in _prepare_for_extract
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 151, in _ensure_content

[ 2044] 2010-07-07 13:13:14.140 INFO: aborting commit write group: MemoryError()
2.295 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 853, in exception_to_return_code
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 1055, in run_bzr
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 661, in run_argv_aliases
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 665, in run_direct
  File "bzrlib\cleanup.pyo", line 122, in run_simple
  File "bzrlib\cleanup.pyo", line 156, in _do_with_cleanups
  File "bzrlib\builtins.pyo", line 3138, in run
  File "bzrlib\decorators.pyo", line 194, in write_locked
  File "bzrlib\workingtree_4.pyo", line 197, in commit
  File "bzrlib\decorators.pyo", line 194, in write_locked
  File "bzrlib\mutabletree.pyo", line 225, in commit
  File "bzrlib\commit.pyo", line 257, in commit
  File "bzrlib\cleanup.pyo", line 118, in run
  File "bzrlib\cleanup.pyo", line 156, in _do_with_cleanups
  File "bzrlib\commit.pyo", line 402, in _commit
  File "bzrlib\repository.pyo", line 179, in commit
  File "bzrlib\repository.pyo", line 1563, in commit_write_group
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 2314, in _commit_write_group
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 2174, in _commit_write_group
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 1476, in autopack
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 1516, in _do_autopack
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", line 693, in _execute_pack_operations
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 761, in pack
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", line 478, in _create_pack_from_packs
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", line 461, in _copy_text_texts
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", line 402, in _copy_stream
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 1704, in _insert_record_stream
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 438, in get_bytes_as
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 538, in _prepare_for_extract
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 151, in _ensure_content

2.297 Transferred: 0KiB (0.0K/s r:0K w:0K)
2.298 return code 3
-----end file-----