Comment 3 for bug 591284

Revision history for this message
Andrew Bennetts (spiv) wrote :

I'm glad that pushing again solved your immediate problem.

This is a bit mysterious. The server is reporting that the stream it received was corrupted, and the traceback shows this happened while your bzr client was inserting new revisions into the remote repository. In that case it's strange that the next push you did (after the break-lock) succeeded, because in theory the remote and local repositories and branches should have been in the exact same state as for the first push, so the network conversation should have been identical.

So it appears that there was some transient condition that corrupted your stream, something outside of bzr. Potentially it might be a hardware issue corrupting your memory, or something rare like that :/

I've added launchpad-code to this bug because this error message originates on the server, and it is possible that there's a crash log or some other clue on the server that the launchpad-code team can find that would shed light on this.