Comment 3 for bug 563121

Revision history for this message
Parth Malwankar (parthm) wrote :

I tried a few combinations but wasn't able to reproduce this. (bzr 2.1.1, ubuntu 9.10, python 2.6.4).
Could you mention the exact commands that can reproduce this?

These are the things that I tried.

[testbase]% pwd
[testbase]% bzr init orig
Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)
[testbase]% bzr checkout orig chk
[testbase]% cd chk
[chk]% touch x
[chk]% bzr add
adding x
[chk]% bzr ci -m "added x"
Committing to: /home/parthm/tmp/€/testbase/orig/
added x
Committed revision 1.
[chk]% echo hello > hello.txt
[chk]% bzr add
adding hello.txt
[chk]% bzr ci -m "added hello"
Committing to: /home/parthm/tmp/€/testbase/orig/
added hello.txt
Committed revision 2.
[chk]% cd ..
[testbase]% ls orig
[testbase]% cd chk
[chk]% cd ..
[testbase]% bzr branch orig brh
Branched 2 revision(s).
[testbase]% ls brh
hello.txt x
[testbase]% cd brh
[brh]% touch y
[brh]% bzr add
adding y
[brh]% bzr ci -m "added y"
Committing to: /home/parthm/tmp/€/testbase/brh/
added y
Committed revision 3.
[brh]% bzr push :parent
All changes applied successfully.
Pushed up to revision 3.
[brh]% cd ../chk
[chk]% bzr pull ../orig
+N y
All changes applied successfully.
Now on revision 3.
[chk]% echo hello >> y
[chk]% bzr ci -m "updatd"
Committing to: /home/parthm/tmp/€/testbase/orig/
modified y
Committed revision 4.
[chk]% cd ..
[testbase]% bzr checkout --lightweight orig chk2
[testbase]% cd chk2
[chk2]% echo world >> hello.txt
[chk2]% bzr ci -m "updated hello"
Committing to: /home/parthm/tmp/€/testbase/orig/
modified hello.txt
Committed revision 5.