Comment 1 for bug 562319

Revision history for this message
edam (edam) wrote : Re: log command only shows SVN revno for commits by other users.

Confirmed with bzr-svn-1.0.2 (on bzr-2.1.1).

It appears that revisions created in a bzr branch/checkout of an svn repository never have their svn revision no. displayed in 'bzr log'. This is not limited to the user, or even to the bzr branch/checkout. This can be seen in the following simple test case:

  $ svnadmin create repo
  $ svn co file:///home/edam/tmp/repo a
  $ echo content > a/file
  $ svn add a/file
  $ svn ci a -m foo
  $ bzr co repo b
  $ echo new-content > b/file
  $ bzr ci b -m bar
  $ bzr log b
  revno: 3
  committer: edam <email address hidden>
  branch nick: repo
  timestamp: Tue 2010-05-25 12:01:52 +0100
  revno: 2
  svn revno: 1 (on /)
  committer: edam
  timestamp: Tue 2010-05-25 10:47:05 +0000
  revno: 1
  svn revno: 0 (on /)
  timestamp: Tue 2010-05-25 10:46:46 +0000
    (no message)

The third revision doesn't have it's "svn reno" listed. Making another checkout/branch of the svn repo doesn't help and the same problem can be seen:

  $ bzr co repo c
  $ bzr log -l1 c
  revno: 3
  committer: edam <email address hidden>
  branch nick: repo
  timestamp: Tue 2010-05-25 12:01:52 +0100