Comment 4 for bug 519091

Revision history for this message
John A Meinel (jameinel) wrote : Re: [Bug 519091] Re: doesn't detect modifications to "binary" files

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Sparks wrote:
> Martin, this is a pretty big project, the .bzr directory itself is over
> 814MB
> Vincent,
> bzr status returns nothing.
> bzr diff returns nothing.
> after deleting said file, bzr status shows
> removed:
> data/music/track1.ogg
> revert the change, bzr status shows nothing (as it should)
> use hex editor to modify file, and bzr status & bzr diff still show nothing.
> It doesn't make a difference if I use command line bzr or bazaar
> explorer, they both report the same thing.
> still trying to find the problem, will keep you informed.

Do you know if the hex editor tries to avoid changing the last-modified
time of the file? If you copy the updated version to another filename,
delete the original and move the updated version back, does 'bzr status'

It is *possible* for a file which hasn't changed in length, and has the
exact same mtime to show up as 'not-interesting' because the stat value
matches what we have stored. Otherwise we would have to read the
contents of every file for every 'bzr status' run, which would be
horribly slow.

By copying it to a new file and renaming it, I think we can weed that
change out.

What hex editor are you using?


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