Comment 2 for bug 513709

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Martin Pool (mbp) wrote :

Hi Dr Al,

We would be happy to mentor you. You might like to try talking on #bzr on irc where people can give you real-time help.

One place to start would be to add a scriptrunner test based on the examples you use above; you can expect that will fail; it will then confirm this is fixed when it does otherwise.

A heavyweight checkout is implemented as a BranchReferenceFormat object which when opened gives you the referenced branch.

When you make a new bzr branch, it's 'parent' configuration defaults to the branch that it was branched from. So in some ways it makes sense and is consistent with real branches that if you create feature-branch-tw from the trhco branch, it should say the latter is its parent. However in this case it's not really useful.

So it seems like we want the rule to be that we set the master location to be the real canonical location of the source branch, after following any references. That seems to be set in Branch.sprout. Eventually we will also probably want a unit test just for this specific behaviour, in test_branch.

I hope that gives you a clue to get started. If you want to talk more, just ask, here or on the list or on irc.