Comment 1 for bug 503878

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Martin Pool (mbp) wrote :

The real root problem here is

>Connection to closed by remote host.

probably because of you upgrading it.

However, the error is pretty ugly.

poolie: spiv, re bug 503878, i thought we now did better than TooManyConcurrentRequests when the server dropped the connection
ubottu: Launchpad bug 503878 in bzr ""Too many concurrent requests" error during reconcile" [Undecided,New]
spiv: poolie: often, although I see that bzrlib/ has a "try: ... finally: collection._unlock_names()" which is what's been tripped here.
spiv: poolie: i.e. an unconditional attempt to perform a cleanup over the network even if the network connection has gone away.
poolie: right
spiv: I'll put together a simple fix for that for trunk.