Comment 11 for bug 503670

Revision history for this message
Parth Malwankar (parthm) wrote :

Based on the dicussion, I have created a bzr-grep[1] plugin.
This works on windows and linux and searches versioned files in the working tree.
There is no support for views and history yet. I am still working on the tests.
Please consider this pre-alpha.

[grep]% bzr help grep
Purpose: Print lines matching PATTERN for specified files.
Usage: bzr grep PATTERN [PATH...]

  --from-root Search for pattern starting from the root of the branch.
  -R, --recursive Recurse into subdirectories.
  -h, --help Show help message.
  -q, --quiet Only display errors and warnings.
  -i, --ignore-case ignore case distinctions while matching.
  --usage Show usage message and options.
  -z, --null Write an ascii NUL (\0) separator between output lines
                     rather than a newline.
  -v, --verbose Display more information.

From: plugin "grep"
See also: plugins/grep
