Comment 11 for bug 494406

Revision history for this message
John A Meinel (jameinel) wrote : Re: [Bug 494406] Re: Smart server leaks memory each commit

Hash: SHA1

This is strictly an issue with the bencode.Encoder class. I haven't
found the bug, as I see it using realloc and free where I would expect
to need it. But doing:

bigstr = 'this is a fairly big string' * 10000
e = bencode_pyx.Encoder()
for i in xrange(10):
del e

Doing this repeatedly, I see memory consumption grow by about 2.7MB.
Which is exactly the "e.size" value...

I tracked it down. For whatever reason I didn't notice, but the Encoder
class was using __del__ as its deconstructor, but it is supposed to use
=== modified file 'bzrlib/_bencode_pyx.pyx'
- --- bzrlib/_bencode_pyx.pyx 2009-06-05 01:48:32 +0000
+++ bzrlib/_bencode_pyx.pyx 2009-12-18 21:26:50 +0000
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
         self.maxsize = maxsize
         self.tail = p

- - def __del__(self):
+ def __dealloc__(self):
         self.buffer = NULL
         self.maxsize = 0

dealloc is the C level deallocation, and it always runs, and doesn't
mess with the Python garbage collector.

For whatever reason __del__ is never getting called on this class.
Possibly because it is an extension type. I'll also note that none of
the members of Encoder are 'object' types, which means it doesn't have
to participate in GC the way other classes do.

Anyway, the above patch fixes the looping over encoders bug,
and it appears to fix the memory leak.

 status fixcommitted

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