Comment 30 for bug 485601

Revision history for this message
Gordon Tyler (doxxx) wrote :

Just got hit by this. I have a shared repo (colo workspace) into which I have branched a svn trunk. I worked with this for months, creating local feature branches and merging them back into trunk and vice versa, and pushing up to svn trunk.

Then yesterday I branched the svn trunk on the svn server directly using TortoiseSVN and then branched that into my local bzr shared repo. I cherry-picked a few changes from the bzr trunk into the bzr branch, committed and pushed up to teh svn branch without trouble. Today, I tried to do the same thing again, cherry-pick a revision from trunk into the branch and it gave me the BzrCheckError.

I'm running bzr 2.3.0 and bzr-svn 1.0.5dev (as bundled with bzr 2.3.0).