Comment 2 for bug 449923

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Andrew Bennetts (spiv) wrote :

A couple of thoughts:

- Some --diff-options, like -p, would produce semantically equivalent diffs that bzr would parse ok. So if bzr generated the diff with --diff-options and then checked that it still validates like a regular diff would, then that could be useful.

- Not all uses of 'bzr send' are intended to preserve perfect fidelity. e.g. a bzr send of a cherry-pick to an upstream that doesn't use bzr, you may as well just send a merge directive with no bundle, and as the target isn't bzr validation isn't a concern.

That said, I'm not sure that it would be worth the effort to make this work well and predictably. I just wanted to point out that I do see some merit in the idea. We'd need a stronger motivation than "to be consistent with 'bzr diff'" though...

David, did you have a specific use-case in mind? It would be good to know why you wanted this so that at the least we can consider how best to accomodate if/when we next revise the merge directive format. (It might be more useful to post that to the mailing list rather than this bug though.)