Comment 14 for bug 416990

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Tom Haddon (mthaddon) wrote : Re: [Bug 416990] Re: Memory usage of codehosting processes is excessive

On Thu, 2009-08-27 at 02:49 +0000, John A Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Tom Haddon wrote:
> > On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 20:44 +0000, John A Meinel wrote:
> > John A Meinel wrote:
> > ...
> >
> >>>> 5) Individually no process seems to be more that 7-800MB, but since you
> >>>> have several running at once, it adds up.
> > So in doing a local bzr:// branch of a mysql-5.1 repo, I see the server
> > hit a peak of 299MB, and the client hit a peak of 178MB. (using
> > python2.5 and 4595.
> >
> >> Can you do the same with the versions we're using for LP (of python and
> >> bzr) to confirm there's a difference and not just that it's a difference
> >> of environment?
> I cannot trivially do so.
> Assuming you are using bzr 1.17 on LP, we don't really have any idea
> what version the client is, without a log. But we could also assume 1.17
> for now.
> Going further, I'm also not using the exact same branch. I'm using a
> mysql-5.1 not mysql-maria. Nor will it have exactly the same
> packs-on-disk layout, etc.
> But the real reason is that for whatever reason python2.4 doesn't like
> my bzr. In fact my python 2.4 has some real problems:
> $ python2.4 -c 'import locale'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<string>", line 1, in ?
> ImportError: No module named locale
> Maybe I'll look closer at it tomorrow, but I'd rather just look at the
> current situation.
> I just realized... if you have 8GB of ram you almost certainly are
> running a 64-bit platform.

Yes, pretty much all our servers are 64-bit.

> And memory consumption on 64-bit python is
> pretty much always 2x. Not exactly, but it gives a really good ballpark.
> (Almost every object is a pointer or a 'long' both of which go from
> 32-bit => 64-bit...)
> So probably my 299MB fits the 540MB resident that you were seeing.

In that case, that suggests that there's no improvement from moving from
python2.4 -> python2.5, right?

> John
> =:->
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