Comment 7 for bug 414743

Revision history for this message
Alexander Belchenko (bialix) wrote :

About SSH keys and paramiko.

Paramiko or IIUC bzrlib stores all collected SSH server keys in the %APPDATA%\bazaar\2.0\ssh_host_keys file and it has following format/content:

# SSH host keys collected by bzr ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEApuXd4MHTfr1qLXWeClxTTQYZQblCA+nHvbjAjowkEd2Y4kpvntJOVewoSwa22zTbiYSmmssCuCkFHwcpnZBZN5qMWewjizav30WfeyLR5Kng5qucxmFAEkNJjCJiu194wRNKu0cD99Uk/6X/AfsWGLgmL5pa5UFk62aW+iZLUQ8=

So, actually bzrlib knows when there is new server connected first time and therefore it can ask user for confirmation.