Comment 0 for bug 405317

Revision history for this message
Frits Jalvingh (fjalvingh) wrote :

We recently upgraded all of our developers to bzr 1.16.1, and Bazaar has become next to unusable as far as performance is concerned. I am currently waiting for a commit of some 7 changed files and it took 90 seconds for a fully local action on a fast workstation (core i7 920, Ubuntu Linux). I have never seen performance this bad with the earlier versions: especially running under Linux a commit would hardly ever take > 10 seconds. My colleagues mostly work under windows and they see commit times from 2 to 15(!) MINUTES. Doing verbose logs take forever too, and bazaar status can also hang for 2 minutes easily.

While bazaar is waiting I notice high CPU utilization usually (75% ... 100%).

These are all local actions. I also registered a separate bug where push takes forever and transfers 250MB for a simple change. And while I'm writing this a push of that simple commit transfers 5MB and takes 1 minute, sigh.

BTW: I am doing this using 1.17; my colleagues still use 1.16.1.