Comment 1 for bug 329207

Revision history for this message
Mark Hammond (mhammond) wrote :

A risk with this approach is that the Python for which bzr is being installed may not be the "default" Python. eg, consider someone who generally uses Python 2.6, but due to certain bzr related modules not being available for Python 2.6, he uses his Python 2.5 install for bzr, but sticks with 2.6 as his default for everything else. IIUC, your scheme would not work for such a user, while bzr.bat always will.

Yet another alternative is to use setuptools to create a 'bzr.exe' (possibly with a unique name) which simply wraps - this is almost identical to how easy_install etc create easy install executables and sticks them in your Python install. Note this scheme is quite different than py2exe etc created executables - a setuptools executable is (basically) a copy of python.exe with the script itself tacked on the end and enough bootstrapping code to locate and execute that script.