Comment 6 for bug 306264

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Vincent Ladeuil (vila) wrote : Re: [Bug 306264] Re: tests failure in bzr-1.10: Failure when receiving data from the peer

>>>>> "pva" writes:

    pva> vila, it's reverse: pycurl of version 7.19.0 cause more problems then
    pva> pycurl 7.16.4 (with the same curl version installed).

I've seen that and that's what I find strange. It means that
there is a change in curl that leads to failures in bzr, one can
hope that a change in pycurl *fixes* some, not introduces more.

    pva> And speaking about 1.9 (full output in attachment) it
    pva> looks like same tests fail (even more, but I suppose
    pva> some bugs are fixed and some tests were added):

    pva> ERROR: blackbox.test_check.ChrootedCheckTests.test_check_missing_repository
    pva> ERROR: blackbox.test_outside_wt.TestOutsideWT.test_url_log
    pva> ERROR: branch_implementations.test_branch.ChrootedTests.test_open_containing(BzrBranchFormat5)
    pva> ERROR: branch_implementations.test_branch.ChrootedTests.test_open_containing(RemoteBranchFormat-default)
    pva> ERROR: test_bzrdir.ChrootedTests.test_open_containing
    pva> ERROR: test_bzrdir.ChrootedTests.test_open_containing_from_transport
    pva> ERROR: test_bzrdir.ChrootedTests.test_open_containing_tree_branch_or_repository_empty
    pva> ERROR: test_http.TestWallServer.test_http_get(pycurl,HTTP/1.1)
    pva> ERROR: test_http.TestWallServer.test_http_has(pycurl,HTTP/1.1)

I checked some of them and apparently they are tests which close
the connection early or send unsupported requests, i.e. error
situations anyway.

Probably curl is more strict now and returns an error code
instead of silently closing the connection.

    pva> About disabling tests, I mean, I need selectively disable tests which
    pva> are known to fail. This helps me to work with our arch teams since
    pva> they'll avoid test which are known to fail.

You can use '-x blackbox.test_check.ChrootedCheckTests.test_check_missing_repository' for that

    pva> And well, that's said, I'll move back to older py/curl
    pva> to see how tests pass there...

That would make our life easier, pycurl is only required these
days when ssl certificate verification is needed (which is worked
on but will require either python-2.6 or the ssl module for
python-2.5 or python-2.4).

Since this bug in particular is really about compatibility
between various packages versions inside a distribution I think
that was worth mentioning.