Comment 0 for bug 278858

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Andrew Cowie (afcowie) wrote :

I often use Bazaar to shuttle patches between my own working trees and an upstream project that code happens to originally come from. Common use case.

Yesterday I went to run `bzr init .` in the root directory and rather than being virtually instantaneous, it started to chug. After wondering "WTF" for a few moments, suddenly I saw what appeared the be the bzr-svn plugin running off to do a cache initiation. Huh?

I didn't do `bzr checkout svn+ssh://` or whatever. I told it to initiate a new Bazaar branch in a directory that just happens to have another version control system's metadata in it as well. If I'd wanted to use bzr-svn, I would have said so. After a while I clued in to try `bzr --no-plugins init .` which of course completed in milliseconds. Fine. Thought I was past this issue. Frustrating, stupid behaviour making Bazaar look bad, but whatever.

Then I went to `bzr add` a file. And suddently my network connection fired up again and the Subverion cache initialization started trying to run. STOP IT!

And as there are over 700,000 revisions in the upstream repository, cache initialization will complete sometime around when the Sun becomes a Red Giant. Maybe I don't want to wait that long?

(As an aside, jml's suggestion of `--builtin` didn't help here. I had to use `--no-plugins` again)

I really don't feel like having to remember to write `--no-plugins` every time I run a Bazaar command in this directory. That's ridiculous. But as my alternatives are either to uninstall bzr-svn or to maybe manually `rm -rf` the .svn directory in this tree, maybe I'm stuffed.

I'm really pissed off. I didn't ask for bzr-svn to run. I ran a basic Bazaar command and it failed. So this is not a bzr-svn bug - this is a bug against Bazaar for allowing itself to be subverted by a plugin!

Bazaar (bzr) 1.7.1