Comment 0 for bug 262366

Revision history for this message
Adrian Wilkins (adrian-wilkins) wrote : Smart server uses mixed mode for HTTP URIs

bzr ls bzr+http://foo/bar

This command uses only requests terminating in .bzr/smart and is this only served by Bazaar. This works fine on IIS 7 and should also work on IIS 6

bzr ls http://foo/bzr

An HTTP HPSS server is detected, but a mixture of smart and dumb requests are used.

While this is not an issue on a "proper" web server, at present this means that attempts to access branches via plain http:// URI on IIS 6 don't work if you have configured a smart server using an ISAPI extension to field smart requests. It is currently difficult to serve both smart and dumb responses as the API for "passing" to the next handler is not supported in PyISAPIe which is the only tested and functioning WSGI support for Bazaar on IIS.

IIS7 can be configured properly because it supports wildcards for URL handlers. IIS6 only supports matching handlers for URLs ending in dotted file extensions (i.e. not .bzr/smart )