Comment 0 for bug 236149

Revision history for this message
Daniel Hahler (blueyed) wrote :

I cannot revert a symlink change, which causes trouble as seen in bug 183831.

I've changed "blogs/media" to be a symlink, but cannot revert it:

daniel@base { ~/www/hahler_de.bzr }
$ bzr st | grep "kind changed" -A1
kind changed:
  blogs/media (directory => symlink)
daniel@base { ~/www/hahler_de.bzr }
$ bzr revert blogs/media
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/daniel/www/hahler_live/web/media/".

This appears to be caused by some realpath related change, which is probably the reason for a lot of other (symlink) related errors.
It is maybe a dupe of bug 124859 - but after all just another error caused by incorrect symlink handling somewhere.