Comment 2 for bug 221021

Revision history for this message
James (james-ellis-gmail) wrote :


Your comment certainly outlines a possibility, in fact after some digging around this works:

bzr send -o - sftp://<email address hidden>/home/me/project/dev/foo | ssh <email address hidden> "cat > /home/me/project/directives/my.patch"

Note that scp doesn't take stdin as the input file (e.g via /dev/stdin)

This, though, strikes me as inefficient, plus I doubt it would actually even work on a windows system, and bzr purports to be cross platform. I don't use Windows but it's an issue worth considering.

Given that bazaar can branch from and push to anywhere supported (sftp, file, ftp, http etc etc), the output file should be able to be anywhere supported as well, provided I have write permissions. This would be more efficient, avoiding pipes etc etc:

bzr send -o sftp://<email address hidden>/home/me/project/directives/my.patch sftp://<email address hidden>/home/me/project/branches/dev/foo


PS: "-o -" is not documented - maybe that could be pushed into the next update ?